Ø Vaisesika
school is next to sankhya in origin, priopr to Buddhism and Jainism.
Ø The
Vaisesika philosophy is Pluralistic Realism- diversity is the soul of universe.
Ø Founder:
Kanada also known as Kanbhuk, Uluka,
Ø This
shool is also known as Auluka darshana.
Ø Prashastapada
has written Padarthadharmasangraha- called
bhasya or commentary on the vaisesikasutra, Vaisesikasutra written by Kanada.
Ø Vaisesika
fused with the Nyaya which accepted the ontology of the former and developed it
in the light of its epistemology.
Ø Vaisesika
system is regarded as conducive to the study of all systems.
Ø Entire
system of this school is reduced to six or seven padartha- means the meaning of a word. A category is called
Ø Padartha:
an object which can be thought (jñaya)
and named (abhidheya).
Ø Vaisesika
categories are different from categories of Aristotelian, Kantian and Hegelian.
It is metaphysical classification of all knowable objects or of all reals.
Ø Vaisesika
system is pluralistic realism, a
dynamic concrete identity-indifference.
Ø Originally
Vaisesika believed in six categories (bhava),
the sevnth one was added later viz; Abhava.
Ø Bhava-
being, abhava is non-being.
Ø All
that is real comes under the object of knowledge and is called padartha, these
are seven:
(dravya): Substratum where actions and qualities inhere and
which is coexistent material cause of the composite things produced from it.
a) Compound substances
b) Substances are nine:
earth- prthvi
fire- tejas
water- ap
eather- akasa
time- kala
space- dik
spirit- atman
mind- manas
(guna): it is called an independent reality because it can
be conceived (prameya), though (jñeya) and named (abhidheya). Kanada mentions
seventeen gunas. Seven more are added by prashastapada. There are total twenty four
(karma): It cannot exist independent of a substance. It is
dynamic and transient feature of a substance. It is of five kinds:
(upward movement)
(downward movement
iv. Generality
(samanya): class concept, class essence or universal. It is
the common characteristics of the individual and it does not includes the
v. Particularity
(vishesa): Enables us to perceive things to perceive things as
different from one another. Nyaya-vaisesika maintains quantitative and
qualitative pluralism. Differentium (vyavartaka) of ultimate eternal substances
vi. Inherence
(samvaya): inseperable eternal relation. An independent
category (padartha). It is the relation between cause and effect. The things
releated by samvyaya are inseperably connected (ayutasiddha)
vii. Non-being/
non-existence (abhava): Kanada does not mention it as a separate
category, it is added afterwards. It is negative, relative, absolute negation
is an impossibility. Non-existence or abhava is of four kinds:
1. Pragbhava:
non-existence of a thing before its production.
2. Pradhvamsabhava:
non-existence of a thing after its destruction.
3. Anyonyabhava:
non-existence of a thing as another thing which is different from it.
4. Atyantabhava:
pseudo-idea, the absence of a relation between two things in the past, the
present and the future.
Ø Nyaya-vaisesika
believes in the theory of asatkaryavada
(the effect does not pre exist in its cause).
Ø This
doctrine is also known as arambhabhava.
Ø Vaisesika atom is not
Ø The
Vaisesika believes in the authority of veda and in the moral law of karma. Kanada
himself does not openly refer to god. His aphorism- ‘the authority of veda is due
to its being His (or their) word’, has been interpreted by the commentators in
the sense that the Veda is the word of God.
Ø The
realistic pluralism of Vaisesika is not a synthetic philosophy. It is mere
common sense explanation and may, at best, be regarded as scientific analysis. The
Vaisesika gives us a mere catalogue of categories without making any attempt to
synthesize them.
Ø Atomistic
pluralism is no final philosophy, but it is an important stage in the
development of Indian philosophy.
Ø Difference
between Nyaya and Vaisesika:
Vaisesika recognizes seven categories
and classifies all reals under them. Nyaya recognizes sixteen categories and
all categories of Vaisesika lies under one ategory (prameya) or the knowable.
Vaisesika recognizes only pratayaksa and
anumana, Nyaya does four- pratayaksa, anumana, upmana, sabda pramana.
Ø Jnana
or buddhi is upalabdhi or anubhava.
Ø Knowledge
and perception: all knowledge is a revelation or manifestation of objects
(arthprakasho buddhi).
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