Schools rejecting Vedic authority
(Heterodox or Nastika)
Buddhism, Jainism
Schools not rejecting Vedic authority
(Othodox or Astika)
a) Schools
directly based on Vedic texts:
Mimamsa (It emphasizes
ritualistic aspect of the Vedas)
Vedanta (It emphasizes
speculative aspect of the Vedas)
b) Schools
based on independent grounds:
The meaning and
scope of Indian Philosophy
philosophy denotes the philosophical speculations of Indian thinkers, ancient
or modern, Hindus or non-Hindus. As far as philosophy is concerned in India it
is not to be associated with only Hindu religion and if you do so then it
should be on the basis of geographical description, i.e., people who lived in
India but not a follower of some religious faith known as Hinduism, the
supposition would be wrong and misleading.
philosophy, is marked, in this respect, by a striking breadth of outlook which
only testifies to its unflinching devotion to the search for truth. Though there
were many different schools and their views differed sometimes very widely from
each other. Let us begin our study of these schools one by one.
The Vedas and
the Upanisads
The Vedas
Vedas are the oldest extant literary monument of the Aryan mind. The origin of
Indian Philosophy may be easily traced in the Vedas. Indian Philosophy, as an
autonomous system, has developed practically unaffected by external influences.
Ø Meaning
of philosophy in etymological sense is ‘love of wisdom’ or ‘love of learning’.
Ø ‘See
the self’ ( ātmā vā are dras̩t̩avyah̩) : It is the key note of all schools of
Indian Philosophy.
Ø All
Indian Philosophy schools focus on annihilation of three kinds of pains namely−
physical and mental sufferings produced by natural and intra-organic causes.
and mental sufferings produced by natural and extr-organic causes.
and mental sufferings produced by super natural and extra-organic causes.
Realization of supreme happiness is the end.
Ø Shravana: hearing
and truth
Ø Manana: intellectual
conviction after critical analysis
Ø Nidhidhyāsana: practical
are the means to achieve salvation from the above mentioned pain)
Ø ‘Veda’
(knowledge) stands for mantras and the Brāhman̩as (mantra-brāhman̩ay or
Ø Mantra
means a hymn addressed to same god or goddess.
Ø Samhitā: collection
of mantras. It is said that there are four samhitas and these are compiled to
fulfil the needs of four main priests−
a verse, it is for Hotā.
song, it is for Udgātā.
prose message, it is for Adhvaryu.
the Brahmā
Ø Sometimes
the vedas are referred to only as ‘Trayī’,
omitting the atharva.
Ø Samhita-bhaga
or mantra portion of veda is the hymnology addressed to the various gods and
Ø Rk
samhta is regarded as the oldest and the most important.
Ø Rsis
of the vedas are not the authors, but only the ‘seers’ of the mantras. (rsayo
Ø The
concluding portions of the aranyakas are called the Upanishads.
Ø Mantras and Brahmanas are
called karma kaanda.
Ø Karma-kaanda: the
portion dealing with the sacrificial actions.
Ø Aranyakas and the Upanishads are
called the jñāna-kān̩d̩a. It deals
with the knowledge.
Ø Aranyakas
represents a transition from Karma-kaanda to jñāna-kān̩d̩a.
Ø Upanishads
are also known as’ vedānta’ or the ‘end of the vedas.’ Because they are the
concluding portions of the vedas and they are the essence, the cream, the
height of the vedic philosophy.
Ø We
can notice a transition from the naturalistic and anthropomorphic polytheism
through transcendent monotheism to immanent monism in the pre-upanishadic
Ø The
real essence of God is one.
Ø The
same real is worshipped as Uktha in Rk, Agni in the Yajuh, Mahavrata in Sama.
Ø The
name Upanishads is derieved from the root ‘sad’ which means : (i) to sit down,
(ii) to destroy, (iii) to loosen.
Ø ‘Upa’
means near by and ‘ni’ means devotedly.
Ø Thus
the word means sitting down of disciple near his teacher in a devoted manner to
receive instructions about highest reality which loosen all doubts and destroys
all ignorance of the disciple.
Ø There
are all in total 108 Upanishads.
Ø But
ten or eleven Upanishads are regarded as important on which shankaracharya has
commented. These are isha, Kena, Katha, Prashna, Mundakya, Mandukya,
Taittiriya, aitareya, Chhandogya and Brhadaranyaka.
Ø Fundamental
doctrine: monistic idealism or idealistic monism.
Ø The
Upanishads develop the monistic ideas scattered in the samhitas.
Ø Mundaka
tells us ‘two kinds of knowledge must be known’: the higher and the lower,
former is that which the Rk, Sama, Atharva, the ceremonial grammer and the
latter is that by which the immortal Brahman is known.
Ø Surya
signifies intelligence, agni signifies will, soma signifies, feeling,
ashvamedha signifies meditation.
Ø Svarajya-
true spiritual autonomy.
Ø ātman:
the word atman meant life-breadth. Shankracharya says: which pervades all;
which is the subject and which knows, experiences and illuminates the objects
and which remains immortal.
Ø Materialism: founder-
Ø Carvaka- chief
disciple of Brhaspati and founder of Carvaka school of Indian philosophy.
Ø Carvaka is
a common name given to a materialist who believes in ‘eat, drink and be merry’,
or person who is ‘sweet tongued’.
Ø Another
synonym of carvaka is Lokayata− c commoner and therefore by implication, a man
of low and unrefined taste.
Ø Nastika-shiromani:
an arch-heretic is another name for a materialist.
Ø Lokayat
is the only shastra; perception is the only authority.
Ø Elements- earth,
water, fire, and air are the only elements.
Ø Enjoyments- the
only end of human existence; mind is only a product of matter.
Ø Death- liberation, there
is no other world. Death is liberation for Carvaka.
Ø Soul- it
is nothing but a conscious body.
Ø Epistemology- study
of knowledge.
Ø Valid knowledge: Perception
is the only source of valid knowledge.
Ø Inference is
mere leap in the dark.
Ø Deductive inference: it
is vitiated by the fallacy of petitio principii.
And it is merely an argument in
a circle since the conclusion is already contained in the major premise.
Ø Inductive inference:
it undertakes to prove the validity of the major premise of deductive
Ø Carvaka in short:
World is made up of four elements: air
(vayu), fire (agni), water (ap), earth (ksiti). Carvaka rejects eather (akasa)
There is no soul.
There is no God.
Ethics- a good action is one which leads
to a bad action in one which brings about more pain than pleasure−Hedonism
(pleasure is the highest goal).
Carvaka rejects last two of the four purusarthas
i.e., dharma and moksa.
Enjoyment is the ultimate end.
ReplyDeleteSabda-epistemology of Mimamsa School of Indian philosophy has been updated.